Setting Imagination Free

My Story:

Like most people, I’ve always had to write for work: from studying to work-based reports, documents, interminable lists of emails. 

My career has included serving as a teacher (in secondary schools through to lecture theatres), running a business consultancy that took me to Iraq, being a mature PhD student, and latterly helping my daughter set up a business. 

On this extraordinary journey called life,

you never know where you'll end up

In 2017, I embarked on a Himalayan trek. The majestic quiet of the mountains opened a trap door in my brain.  A host of characters appeared, jumping up and down, demanding to be immortalised on the page.  I’ve been trying to keep up with them ever since. 

They’ve been lassoed into my keyboard through travel blogs, novels, short stories, stage and screen plays, poems and flash fiction.

The website has a sample of my work, but I'm much more interested in yours: let's share ideas and help each other progress.

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